Tag Archives: detail

Starting with an “Absolute Perfect Finish”

Sounds strange doesn’t it, I mean starting with a perfect finish. Isn’t that the outcome we are chasing?
What we are asking here is, “how good is the finish you need before applying protection?”

Let me explain:

Some products sold, especially those sold as easy to apply and giving fantastic results, actually have oils and fillers in them to make the surface look lustrous and appear to remove scratches and blemishes, however these are only an artificial cover up and because the outside surfaces of your vehicle are just that, outside, they usually lose these types of coatings fairly quickly and tend to look sad and tired, and in some cases worse than before.

So what we look to do is bring a surface to it’s absolute best before applying protection, and this then  allows couple of things to happen;

  1. The protective coatings (be it a wax or sealant) can be void of these heavy filling agents and are then able to contain much more of the active protective agent/s in the formula, with out being affected by a greasy looking coating applied. This in itself allows for a sharper and more natural finish to be obtained.
  2. If the sacrificial Wax coating or sealant is not maintained and wears off, your finish looks exactly the same as when you started, i.e. “an absolute perfect finish”
  3. Your Shine and definition of image (doi) doesn’t change when applying the sealant, so the natural shine of the paint remains the same and the car looks a lot more “even” to the eye. (This is important when presenting for shows or for display, as the car generally looks sharper and cleaner if this is the case).
  4. A note here that Xpert does not contain any “fillers” in its polishes and our sealants and waxes have some of the highest content of active ingredients available, give them a try and see the difference.
Take a look at the video below and note the swirls and surface marring that are left  after the “fillers” in the waxes and coatings have washed out,  It’s pretty unsightly to the eye…

Clean Air in our cars

Comfortable Driving…Keep the Air clean and fresh (air quality)

Xpert Mercedes
Clean Cabin = Better Driving

You know what? I am freakish in wanting air circulating in the environment I am in. I don’t know about you but just having a nice clean breath of fresh air flowing around me just feels comfortable. Summer breeze?, yes maybe, but in a car while driving, I find it refreshing and its all about comfort = performance  right?

One of the things that we need to look at is the air quality. On most modern cars there are things called “pollen filters” or “cabin filters”. these keep the microscopic nasties from entering the vent system. You can have these changed and the costs are minimal, but the quality in air is then improved before it reaches the cabin vent system, keeping it all nice and clean.

Which leads us to the vent outlets themselves, these are easy to keep clean with a brush and a vacuum or air duster. Get yourself a couple of long bristle brushes (a soft and a medium should be fine, and girls a blush or foundation brush work great) and simply brush the vents while vacuuming. Real easy and you can brush the crevices in around the dash too. give the whole dash and steering wheel/controls a wipe over with a lighlty dampened chamois or microfiber cloth and away we go.

Happy Polishing!!